1. That the strategic director of children's and adults' services approved the award of the design and build contract for Ivydale Primary School to Galliford Try Construction (UK) Ltd (Galliford Try), for a total contract value of £11,659,454, for the contract period of 59 calendar weeks and 5 calendar days, commencing on 14 April 2016 and completing on 30 May 2017.
2. That the strategic director of children's and adults' services approved the variations to the pre-construction services agreement with Galliford try, totalling £245,059.73. These will be subsumed into the main works contract and are included in the above total contract value.
3. That the strategic director of children's and adults' services approved the variations to the enabling works 1 contract, totalling £216,038.18. These will be subsumed into the main works contract and are included in the above total contract value.