Issue - decisions

North Dulwich and Denmark Hill parking zone study

26/02/2016 - North Dulwich and Denmark Hill parking zone study

That the Cabinet Member:


1.  Noted the 10 representations as summarised in Table 1 received during statutory consultation relating to the proposal to introduce a new parking zone (permit parking bays and double yellow lines) in the North Dulwich and Denmark Hill area. It should be noted that some representations provided more than one ground for objection.


2.   Rejected each of the objections included in the correspondence, summarised in Table 2, for the reasons given in Appendix 1 of the report.


3.  Instructed officers to write to each person who made representations to inform them of the council’s decision.


4.  Instructed officers to make the necessary Traffic Management Order.


5.  Instructed officers to proceed with installation of the parking zone in the North Dulwich and Denmark Hill area operating from Monday to Friday between 12 Noon and 2pm, as per IDM approved on 28 October 2015.