Issue - decisions


24/11/2014 - Work-plan

8.1  The chair reported that she has requested copies of any Serious Case Reviews, to be considered by the committee alongside the Safeguarding report. A member suggested getting more information on Schools and safeguarding. Lambeth do a checklist which is very useful, particularly for governors. Members suggested speaking to frontline practitioners and Norman Gould from Bacons School was recommneded.


8.2  It was reported that the autism strategy has been delayed and the consultation is not signed off yet. The SEND process was discussed and Members commented that the website looked rapidly put together. Every school has to have something and include Southwark's local offer . Parents now decide how to use funds and these do not have to be spent on the school; there is now a procurement process . The committee commented that a report with progress on milestones and lessons learnt from pilots would be helpful. It was reported that the Lambeth SEND development process has been very good.


8.3  A focus group for adoptees has been organised for 27th November.





The next meeting will receive the Annual Safeguarding report, alongside Serious Case Reviews. The Director of Children’s Social Care will consult with scrutiny on options for publication.


The details of the consultant involved with the Lambeth SEND process will be circulated to Southwark officers as an example of good practice.


Scope out further work on Safeguarding and how to involve practitioners in scrutiny.


Request a SEND report to be considered alongside the Autism Strategy.