Issue - decisions

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) - follow up work

24/11/2014 - Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) - follow up work

7.1  Rory Patterson, Director, Children’s Social Care, briefly presented the follow up paper on young peoples’ involvement with the CSE strategy. He highlighted that often young people do not see themselves as victims.


7.2  The Director commented that raising awareness and concern about CSE has had an impact on the use and availability of secure accommodation as now secure accommodation is being used to home victims to keep them safe. He reported that when he recently inquired about a secure place for young person there was none available. He explained that formerly this accommodation was usually used only for offenders, and using this type of accommodation for victims raises issues both of availability, suitability and the appropriateness of locking up victims, even if it is for their own protection.


7.3  A member asked if the availability of secure accommodation is reaching crisis and noted that every May she gets nominated to a Secure Accommodation Panel - but it never meets and she would hate something to be missed. She queried what would trigger a meeting of the Panel. The Director reported that two units have closed recently so there is a significant loss in capacity, alongside this there is the rise in demand due to CSE. Providers are struggling with the welfare needs of CSE victims, and although more are becoming geared up, providers can also say no.


7.4  A member commented on the media coverage and that Birmingham Council announced in the media that 130 odd children were CSE victims. The Director commented that this is probably not too much for a city that big. A member commented that there was a tension between communication, the media and the sensitivity of the subject.


7.5  The chair reported that the cabinet had endorsed all the scrutiny recommendations and these will now go to the safeguarding board. They had all been accepted at cabinet, and there was not much discussion.  The chair highlighted the recommendation for Patchwork, and commented that as this is an innovation tool the company may well be willing to lower the prices as an innovator for research. The Director commented that Southwark is keen to innovate and referred to MASH, which he reported Southwark pioneered and which has now been recommended nationwide.


7.6  Members agreed the report was very interesting, but disturbing, particularly the views on violence.  The committee were keen that the council contributes to a cultural shift in values. A member referred to the scrutiny recommendation to raise the profile of CSE and commended the Mental Health day used by a CCG in East London and the link with radio station Reprezent.


7.7  The chair referred to the work plan commitment to conduct a further look a Child Sexual Exploitation and Female Genital Mutilation.




Request more information on the CCG day on Mental Health and link to Reprezent as an example of good practice.


Report back on oversight of secure accommodation and in particular the remit and meeting arrangements of any panel or committee with this responsibility.


There will be a ‘scrutiny in a day’ of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).