Issue - decisions

Private Rented Sector

21/10/2013 - Private Rented Sector

6.1  Paul Langford (Head of Operations) and John Daley (Environmental Health & Trading Standards Manager) introduced the report to the sub-committee regarding the update on the Private Rented Sector (PRS) project plan.


6.2  The officers explained that after considerable analysis it was proposed that the project is built up in a number of stages.


·  Firstly the adoption of a Southwark Rental Standard, a document which clarifies and advised landlords on our minimum expectations for the management and repair of Private Rental Property.


·  Secondly the Southwark Rental Standard would be used as a basis for the accreditation of the temporary accommodation Southwark procures in discharging its duty as the Local Housing Authority.


6.3  The officers reported that there will then be a review of the operation of the PRS in Southwark and proposals to introduce areas of selective licensing and accreditation may be put forward. This review will gather evidence to support any licensing proposals.


6.4  This was a growing sector and gathering profile, the GLA rental standards have given us a steer to approach voluntary accreditation and forming a clear relationship between the three parties (the authority, landlord and tenant). Officers have established what is required and have added to what is expected by law.


6.5  The chair would like to know who would be responsible for the scheme? The officer reported that this scheme involved joint working between Housing and Environmental Health directors. It involved a lot of work and effort but the officers stated that good landlords would want to sign up but there would always be some that will not want to be involved, and the authority will not use them.


6.6  There was some discussion about the merits of a borough-wide scheme and it was noted that the scheme requires a adminstrative process and a check to maintain standards but the scheme would be ready to move forward in January 2014.


6.7  Officers reported that standards needed to be delivered to resident, landlord and authority as this would be a three way partnership.


6.8  Members were informed that both the landlord and property would be licensed, but the landlord would be awarded the certificate.


6.9  A member asked why would landlords want to co-operate with this scheme knowing they would have to pay for it? The officer responded that the private sector are in the driving seat and officers are aware of this but will be looking for £25/50 for a license from the landlord, but landlords with a large portfolio would be be charged more.


  RESOLVED: (1) That the Southwark standard be considered at the the next   meeting of the sub-committee on 25.11.2013.


  (2) That a summary of what other boroughs are doing with regards to private   rented sectors.


  (3) That councillor Mark Williams be invited to the next sub-committee   meeting on 25.11.2013.