Issue - decisions

Northern Line Extension

10/09/2013 - Northern Line Extension

5.1  The chair reported that as an officer was unavailable for the last meeting, the sub-committee would receive an update on the proposal by Transport for London (TfL) and the council’s position from Sally Crew the Group Manager of Policy and Programmes and Bill Leggasick the Principal Environmental Health Officer.


5.2  The officer reported that the council had made an informal representation to the Secretary of State for Transport on the 18th June 2013. This highlighted broad support for the scheme, however it also noted a number of concerns with the proposals which were highlighted below :-


·  Impact of construction of the temporary shaft in Harmsworth Street including noise and other environmental effects of construction activity, including from vehicle movements related to construction; and increased road safety risk arising from vehicle movement and construction.


·  Impact of construction of the permanent shaft in Kennington Park on the amenity (specifically the environmental impacts including road safety) of residents, nursery, workers and visitors to the area.


·  Ground-borne noise from the tunnel construction and the exemption from the controls within Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 as proposed in the Code of Construction Practice.


·  Ground-borne noise from the operational railway and the impact on the amenity of residents, works and visitors and sought technology used as part of the Jubilee Line Extension to be employed to be employed to reduce emissions.


·  Congestion at Kennington Station and the introduction of additional cross-passages at platform level, before the extension is brought into operation. The council also supported improvements to reduce congestion in the ticket hall of Kennington Station prior to the opening of the Northern Line Extension (NLE).


·  Control of Street works the council opposed the dis-application of Sections 56, 56A, 58, 58A, 73A, 73B, 73C and 78A and schedule 3A of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991.


·  Employment Strategy through the development of a workforce and skills strategy setting out mechanisms and targets for recruiting and training local people across the workforce.


·  Design Considerations for the Kennington Park Head House, particularly the community building, which was considered to be obtrusive to its character and appearance, as well as contributing negatively to the setting of the adjacent conservation area and listed buildings.


·  Dog Walking Area and “Bee Urban” Facilities and Nature Garden



5.3  The sub-committee were informed that since the submission of the council’s representation, TfL has had time to consider both the wider and the council’s response and have made a number of changes to the proposal including;


·  Removal of the proposed community building from Kennington Park.

·  Adopting the ‘gallery tunnel’ approach to connect the old tunnels to the NLE tunnels and to stabilise the ground, therefore removing the need for temporary shafts at Harmsworth Street and Radcot Street.


The  proposed ventilation shaft for the Northern Line Extension on the site of the Old Park Keepers Lodge would be beneath the park but it requies a head house on the surface. This building would house maintenance equipment and vents for the shaft.  There will be no loss of public park space as a result of the creation of the shaft and head house.The plan is to replace the existing building with a building that meets the needs of the ventilation shaft, but can also accommodate community use.


5.4  It was also reported that TfL on the 22nd August 2013 wrote to the council and in this committed to:


·  Provide the new cross-passages prior to the NLE.

·  Provide an Employment Strategy, of which a draft has now been provided.

·  Advised that the community building will no longer be provided following further discussion with Lambeth Council and the ‘Bee Urban’ facility will be relocated and agreed the relocated dog walking area.


5.5  The Officer informed members that having considered the information provided the council retains a number of concerns with the proposal and submitted a Statement Case on 27th August 2013. On this date, TfL submitted an Environmental Statement Addendum which sets out changes or additions to the original Environmental Statement. A six week consultation on this document ends on the 8th October 2013 to which it is anticipated the council will submit a response.


5.6  Should concerns be retained a revised Statement of Case will be submitted. The Secretary of State has announced that a public inquiry will be held to consider the application starting on Tuesday 19th November 2013 lasting for approximately five weeks. There is a pre-inquiry meeting being held on Friday 13th September 2013.


5.7  The sub-committee were also informed that officers continue to work with TfL and a report will be going to Cabinet on Tuesday 22nd October 2013. TfL will also be hosting a drop in event to view proposals on Wednesday 11th September 2013, from 3.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. at Kennington Park.


5.8  Members were informed that the station would receive an upgrade to the ticket office and on platform level and the agreement was acceptable to both TfL and the council. Passenger growth had been looked into and not seen to have a negative impact.


5.9   A member of the sub-committee asked what the impacts around the permanent shaft are to local residents of Southwark? The officer reported that a majority of residents would be exposed to construction noise and as such would be able to claim secondary glazing for their home. The ground borne noise was acceptable but officers were trying to tie down TfL to a stronger commitment to reduce it, the noise constraint agreement was presently at 95% to planning conditions.


5.10  The officer also stated that with regards to the nursery, a barrier would be built in the grounds of the nursery and the entrance would be switched to Kennington Park Road which would be better for public safety and agreement had been sought through Section 106.



5.11  How long will this process take? The project starts at the end of 2014 beginning of 2015 until the third quarter of 2020, and the construction noise will be for 3 to 4 years.


5.12  The officer stated that secondary glazing was the 1st option for residents, but re-housing could also be offered short term (2 weeks) to residents.


5.13  In response to a question regarding the level of noise residents could expect? members were informed that work would be undertaken on a 24 hour a day basis and the main noise from contractors would be the raising of debris by crane and tipped into small skips, then removed from the area by loading onto trucks (engine noise). Skips would be lined with plastic sheets to reduce noise. During the day the noise would be similar to that of a washing machine.


5.14  The officer reported that a hot line would be set up regarding noise problems for residents and officers were confident this would set up and in place. Officers had also discussed the noise aspect with TfL representatives and they have undertaken to work with the council and the community. They are also committed to the liaison group and all parties concerned and officers would be looking to involve all local councillors.


5.1  A member asked if the employment strategy includes a policy of paying a living wage? The sub-committee were informed that TfL were agreeable to this particular policy.


5.2  The officer responded to a question regarding residents asking whether the connection to the Kennington Loop and the permanent shaft can be located further from residents? He explained that Lambeth had commissioned work on this very point and concluded that trains would be required to make a very tight turn which would impact on speed and safety. This would lead to discomfort to passengers and higher operational noise and vibration which would lead to on-going maintenance problems.


5.3  The officer reported that TfL were looking to improve the station as they proposed to increase the number of trains on the northern line from 20 per hour to 30 per hour to increase the capacity due to demand.


5.4  The sub-committee were informed that a report would be going to Council Assembly on the 16th October 2013.


5.5  The Chair with the agreement of the sub-committee agreed to revisit this item of business later on this year, and informed members that the pre-enquiry would be taking place on Friday 13th September 2013.