Issue - decisions

Peckham and Nunhead area action plan - publication/ submission version

29/11/2012 - Peckham and Nunhead area action plan - publication/submission version

(See pages 17 - 35 of the main agenda)


This report was considered after the guillotine had fallen, therefore in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.12 (3) & (4), the report was afforded up to a maximum of 15 minutes.


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.11 (1), Councillor Veronica Ward, cabinet member for culture, sport, the Olympics and regeneration (South), moved the report.


Following debate (Councillors Paul Noblet, Mark Glover and Fiona Colley), Councillor Veronica Ward exercised her right of reply.


The recommendations contained within the report were put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That the Peckham and Nunhead Area Action Plan (AAP) publication/submission version (Appendix A), be approved for publication.


2.  That the following supporting documents be noted: the consultation report (Appendix B), the consultation strategy (Appendix C), the consultation plan (Appendix D), the sustainability appraisal (Appendix E), the equalities appraisal (Appendix F), the appropriate assessment (Appendix G) and the schedule of proposed changes to the adopted policies map (Appendix H).


3.  That the Peckham and Nunhead AAP publication/submission version be approved for submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government provided no substantive changes are necessary following consultation.


4.  That the approval of any minor amendments resulting from consultation on the publication/submission AAP be delegated to the director of planning in consultation with the cabinet member for culture, sport, the Olympics and regeneration (South).

27/09/2012 - Peckham and Nunhead Area Action Plan - Publication/Submission Version



That council assembly be recommended to:


1.  Agree to publish the Peckham and Nunhead Area Action Plan (AAP) publication/submission version (Appendix A).


2.  Note the supporting documents: the consultation report (Appendix B), the consultation strategy (Appendix C), the consultation plan (Appendix D), the sustainability appraisal (Appendix E), the equalities appraisal (Appendix F), the appropriate assessment (Appendix G) and the schedule of proposed changes to the adopted policies map (Appendix H).


3.  Approve the Peckham and Nunhead AAP publication/submission version for submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government provided no substantive changes are necessary following consultation.


4.  Delegate the approval of any minor amendments resulting from consultation on the publication/submission AAP to the director of planning in consultation with the cabinet member for culture, leisure, sport, the Olympics and regeneration (South).