Issue - decisions

Adult Education

23/04/2012 - Adult Education

10.1  The chair reported that the strategic director for environment, Gill Davies, had reported to him that officers were seeking to find a date to set up an additional consultation meeting with services users on Adult Education. A visioning report will be completed in the next couple of months and officers would like to share this with the committee.


10.2  The project manager reported that Save Southwark Adult Learning had circulated a papers to members and this had been tabled (attached to the minutes) .


10.3  Service user, Duton Alade Odomoso, commented that the service had just received a good ofsted report. He commented that it is important to note when a good job is being done. He went on to say that local people are accessing training and this is valuable. The chair thanked him for his contribution.




The additional meeting/workshop to consult with current and former users of the Personal and Community Development Learning (PCDL) courses should happen as soon as practically possible.


The wider visioning for the service should come to scrutiny once this has been completed by officers.