Issue - decisions

Review of parenting support - part 2 : Finalise report on support for parents & carers of disabled children

23/04/2012 - Review of parenting support - part 2 : Finalise report on support for parents & carers of disabled children

5.1  The chair drew members’ attention to a written comment made by a parent on the draft report. The parent said that she was very impressed with the report and suggested that an additional recommendation be added; that Southwark make provision for parents of disabled children to find meaningful employment, whilst fulfilling their caring responsibilities. The chair recommended this was included. The report was agreed with this amendment.




The report was agreed with the additional recommendation that support be given to parents and carers to get back into employment:


Promote provision for parents of disabled children to find meaningful employment, whilst also fulfilling their caring responsibilities. Parents recommended a pilot developed by the London Borough of Wandsworth.