Issue - decisions

Work programme

01/02/2012 - Work programme

11.1  The chair reported that the last meeting of the administrative year falls on 2 May and requested that this be changed because it coincides with the GLA elections. The committee agreed and asked for two options to be circulated. The project manager reported that she would do her best but it may be only possible to find one.


11.2  The visit to SlaM was raised and members requested a general overview and a visit in the daytime.


11.3  The chair reported that a number of concerns had been raised abut Changes to Psychological Therapy Services and cuts to Maudsley Hospital’s adult mental health beds. A number of stakeholders and partners including Southwark LINKs, Lambeth Health Scrutiny and Southwark Pensioners Action Group have queried whether the consultation process followed, for these service changes, have been adequate. It was agreed that SLaM will be invited to prepare trigger templates and attend the next meeting.