(See pages 16 – 31 of the main agenda)
This report was considered after the guillotine had fallen, therefore in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.12 (3) & (4), the report was afforded up to a maximum of 15 minutes.
Following debate (Councillor Tim McNally), the recommendations contained within the report were put to the vote and declared to be carried.
Council assembly dates
1. That the following dates for meetings of council assembly be agreed and that these dates be fixed in the council calendar for the municipal year 2013/14, subject to the notes set out in the table below:
Dates of council assembly meetings 2013/14
Council Assembly Meetings 2013/14 |
Theme |
Wednesday 3 July 2013 |
Welfare Reform |
Wednesday 16 October 2013 |
Green Southwark |
Wednesday 27 November 2013 |
Local Business and Enterprise |
Wednesday 22 January 2014 |
Active Communities and the Elderly |
Wednesday 26 February 2014 |
Budget and council tax setting |
Wednesday 26 March 2014* Note: If local government elections take place on 1 May 2014, this meeting would be rescheduled for 19 March 2014. If there is a combined election in June 2014 this meeting would proceed. |
Future Vision for Southwark |
Wednesday 21 May 2014* Note: This date is based on local government elections taking place on 1 May 2014. In the event of a combined election, the annual meeting would be held after the elections (in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 4.1.2). |
Annual meeting (Mayor making & constitutional) |
Note: * - There remains some uncertainty regarding confirmation of the dates for the local government elections and European elections in 2014. This could impact on the proposed dates for the council assembly meetings in March 2014 and May 2014. For further information see notes in table and paragraphs 5 to 9 of the report.
Council calendar
2. That the calendar of council meetings for the 2013/14 municipal year ahead as shown in Appendix 1of the report be noted.