Issue - decisions

Disposal of Badminton House, East Dulwich Estate, SE22

01/03/2012 - Badminton House, Quorn Road, SE22 - Disposal of freehold interest

(see pages 21 – 30 of the main agenda, pages 1 – 8 of the closed agenda and page 3 of supplemental agenda 2)


This report was considered after the guillotine had fallen, therefore in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.12 (3) & (4), the report was afforded up to a maximum of 15 minutes.


There were three questions on the report to the cabinet member for finance, resources and community safety, the responses to which were circulated on lilac paper at the meeting.  Two supplemental questions were asked of the cabinet member.  All questions and responses are attached as Appendix 5 to the minutes.


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.11 (1), Councillor Richard Livingstone moved the report.


Councillor Tim McNally, seconded by Councillor Michael Bukola, moved Amendment H.


Following debate (Councillor Ian Wingfield), Amendment H was put to the vote and declared to be lost.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That the cabinet decision of the 31 May 2011 to dispose of Badminton House, SE22 (“the property”) as contained in the report entitled ‘East Dulwich Estate Regeneration Scheme Update and Proposals for revision’ be noted.


2.  That the cabinet decision of the 13 December 2011 to approve the disposal of the property on the terms outlined in the closed version of that report be noted.


3.  That following a recommendation by cabinet on the 13 December 2011, an application to the Secretary of State for the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) for consent to the disposal of the property be approved. 

14/12/2011 - Badminton House, Quorn Road, SE22 - Disposal of Freehold interest



1.  That the disposal of the council’s freehold interest in Badminton House, Quorn Road, SE22 (“the property”) on terms outlined in the closed version of the report be approved, subject to council assembly’s approval of an application to the Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government for consent to the disposal of the property.


2.  That council assembly be recommended to approve an application to the Department for Communities and Local Government for consent to the disposal of the property.


3.  That the capital receipt be authorised to replenish the housing investment programme from which the East Dulwich Estate refurbishment programme was forward funded.


4.  That the head of property be authorised to agree any minor variations to the terms of the sale, with the purchaser, which may arise prior to completion of the transaction or alternatively to agree terms with any of the under bidders subject to best consideration requirements if in the unlikely event the original offer fails to progress to completion.