Issue - decisions

Adult Education update

19/10/2011 - Adult Education update

9.1  Gill Davies, Director of Environment and Leisure , introduce the report on Adult Education. The Director explained that they are planning a review of the Adult Learning Service. There are a number of key questions they have been set in order to evaluate the service including what the Council brings to this service; is this a service that the Council should provide or would other providers be better placed. There will be a consultation with stakeholders and an analysis of the data. Scrutiny is invited to contribute. A report will go to cabinet in February in 2012.


9.2  The director commented that the service was pleased with the recent OFSTED evaluation, which showed improvement. The service now rated as ‘satisfactory’ with several ‘good’ features.


9.3  There was discussion about how scrutiny could be involved and a comment was made that what started as an argument over fees in developing into a visioning process. A member commented that there is a need for the service to develop clear outcomes. The member went on the say that it might be right for the service to wind up. The director commented that ESOL teaching has clear outcomes and this is the stronger part of the service. There was agreement that the committee should consider the results of the consultation and contribute to the process.




Officers undertook to provide the results of the consultation with stakeholders; including services users and adult education providers. Officers will provide data before analysis.