Issue - decisions

Universal Free School Healthy Meals programme

19/10/2011 - Universal Free School Healthy Meals programme

8.1  Colin Gale, Free Healthy School Meals Project Lead, was invited by the chair to present the paper circulated with the minutes. He reported that the initial pilot was done order in to gather learning. The council has produced a nutrition tool kit on the website and this contains nutritional standards.


8.2  Clarification was sought from a member on the need for forms. The project lead explained that the pilot helped streamlined the paperwork and this has led to an increase in pupils claiming free school meals; which is good for increasing income and the pupil premium.  The project lead explained that the forms capture evidence and are needed to ensure a good audit trail. The need for good statistical data was endorsed by a member. There was a question about children with no recourse to public funds and concern that many may be unwilling to fill out forms. The project lead explained that the forms are very simple and can be filled out with only name and date, and there is no obligation to fill out the remainder if there are eligibility concerns.


8.3  The project lead explained that the Council is working with Public Health to develop  an evaluation framework. This is a whole school approach. While the initiative will not be able to singularly tackle childhood obesity it is a step.


8.4  A member commented that he is cannot see how free school meals will help tackle obesity, moreover there seems to be a lack of clear outcomes for a large financial investment of several million pounds. The project lead commented that this was a decision taken by cabinet. He went on to mention the Hull report on universal school meals, which he said makes interesting reading. A member asked if this demonstrates a positive impact on childhood obesity and the project lead said that it did show this impact, however we cannot be sure that it was a direct result of the universal free school meal programme.


8.5  A member commented that while we do not seem to know for sure if it will impact on obesity he hopes that the initiative will improve nutritional standards in schools. The project lead said the council has been encouraging schools to get the Food for Life Bronze award.





A report on progress will be received in 6 months time.