Issue - decisions


19/10/2011 - Review of parenting support - part 2 b : support for parents - volunteer support

6.1  Sarah Armstrong and a colleague from CSV referred to the paper circulated and the new initiative they have started in partnership with Southwark Council; supporting parents and families.  They explained that CSV is UK’s leading volunteering and learning organisation providing a range of opportunities for almost fifty years. They work closely with partners, including local authority partners, to help deliver services and provide support for people who need it most. They support children in care, young people leaving care, and families with parenting issues


6.2  CSV explained that they initiated two pilots recently in Bromley and Sunderland. Bromley continued, but Sunderland faced difficulties because of social work staff sickness. They reported that they had  received lots of evidence of good outcomes; including many cases of children coming off the Child Protection register.


6.3  She reported that CSV provide parent mentoring, particularly with parents facing difficulties, such as single parents. This is the model they  will by implementing in Southwark.


6.4  A member asked if CSV thought they could expand and they responded that they could; they are inundated with volunteers. There was a follow on question about training costs, and CSV agreed that there is a cost in training volunteers. In Southwark they are contracted to work with 25 families. CSV explained that they offer a rigorous programme of training which is highly valued by the volunteers. This is an investment but if it works it will save money.


6.5  CSV explained that volunteers are there to support, as an outside service, and give reassurance and guidance. They are independent. CSV explained that safeguarding and confidentiality still applies and that means that if there is a discovery that could lead to harm then volunteers would need to be open about that and inform professionals. They are very clear about that and all the volunteers are trained in safeguarding and confidentiality, and this is applied.


6.6  A member asked how long the programme works for and what it consists off. CSV explained that they do not want to create a dependency culture, this is about enabling parents. Support focuses on two themes in particular: practical and emotional support. The practical support includes things such as going to meetings and building links, with schools for example. Emotional support is just as important and consists of empathetic listening and building parents morale.  


6.7  A member asked about the management structure and the role of more experienced volunteers. CSV explained that they have a coordinator and management structure to offer support to volunteers. More experienced volunteers mentoring new volunteers will be our next step.


6.8  There was a question about building links with schools and ensuring consistency of advice to parents. The Deputy Director mentioned the Common Assessment programme.  CSV explained the programme is complimentary and the volunteers will often support parents to send children to school regularly and attend meetings. They will help parents access and attend parent programmes run by school.


6.9  A member asked if they had sufficient volunteers and CSV assured members they did. The chair remarked that following the riots many people had blamed parents and his response had been that we should asking what we can do to help parents rather than apportioning blame. The chair said he has been championing this initiative over the past year as this programme gives society an opportunity to support parents in challenging situations; he is very pleased to see it being established in Southwark.  The chair thanked CSV for attending and asked them to return in 6 months time to report back on the programme. 






CVS will come back in 6 months time to report on progress.