Issue - decisions

New events programme 2011-13

05/10/2011 - New events programme 2011-13

Additional decisions in light of the New Events Programme 2011-13 Supplementary Report on Fireworks Night 2011:


1.  That following consultation with local Members and other stakeholders the fireworks event that was planned for Dulwich Park on 4 November 2011 does not go ahead and the annual fireworks event to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night be held instead on 5 November 2011 at Southwark Park.


2.  That further consultation take place for a future event in the South Southwark area.

26/09/2011 - New events programme 2011-13

That the new event programme for 2011-13 agreed in the budget report of full council of 22 February 2011 and as set out in the report be endorsed.


Note:  The cabinet member for culture, leisure, sport and the olympics is due to consider additional information on this issue – see supplementary report document below published on 29 September 2011.