1. That the prior approval for the procurement strategy set out in this report for welfare catering services be confirmed.
2. That exemption from seeking competitive tenders under Contract Standing Order 5.4 for this contract is granted to allow single supplier negotiations, as permitted under Contract Standing Order 4.8.
3. That the award of the contract to Provider A for an initial period of 18 months, from the 1 October 2011 to 31 March 2013. The estimated value of the contract is £607,311 per annum, total contract value for a period of 18 months £910,967 be approved.
4. That the contract contains provision to extend the contract period for a period of another six months if necessary, to allow for any slippage in the proposed three borough procurement exercise with Lambeth and Lewisham. The maximum contract value inclusive of the additional 6 months is £1,214,623.