Issue - decisions

Bankside (C1) controlled parking zone fourth stage review

23/12/2011 - Bankside (C1) controlled parking zone fourth stage review


1.  That the 7 objections received during statutory consultation of the Bankside (C1) Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) review, detailed in Appendix A be considerd.

2.  That the objections, as summarised in Table 2, and instruct officers to write to those objectors to inform them of the council’s decision be determined.

3.  That the design amendments (Appendix B to E) recommended to partiallymitigate those objections be approved.

4.  That the design amendments (Appendix F) recommended as a result of issues raised since the 2008 review be approved.

5.  That the further statutory consultation for the changes identified in Appendix B to F, where required be approved.

6.  That the implementation of the works where no objection has been received be approved.