Issue - decisions

Children's and Young Peoples Plan

11/04/2011 - Children's and Young Peoples Plan (CYPP)

5.1  The chair welcomed representatives from Southwark Youth Council (SYC) and Speakerbox to the meeting , as well as Cllr Catherine McDonald, Cabinet lead for children’s services.


5.2  The chair invited Cllr Catherine McDonald to say a few words and the Cabinet lead for children’s services commented that the Children and Young Peoples Plan (CYPP) is a key plan, developed with partners. The statutory obligations have been removed, however she stated that it is her hope that the partners will still want to work together.


5.3  Jane Bailey, Assistant director for children’s services, introduced the report circulated by commenting that she hoped everybody present had had a chance to contribute to the plan; over 1000 voices had been recorded in the course of the plan’s development. The Assistant director reported that 5 key priorities had emerged: thinking family, narrowing the gap, raising the bar, succeeding into adulthood and working together – children safeguarded from harm and neglect.


5.4  The Assistant director reported that the ‘thinking families‘ theme had emerged because many people had said it was difficult to cope with so many agencies. ‘Narrowing the gap’ was focussed on everybody receiving high quality services and ‘succeeding into adulthood’ was focused on learning and ensuring that young people can enter the employment market, particularly young people at risk. Safeguarding from harm was focused on reducing abuse and neglect.


5.5  The Assistant director then moved on to looking at performance issues. She reported that there had been an emphasis on getting the Family Information Service information accessible and up to date. The youth service is committed to devolving 20% of its budget and intends to work with SYC on this issue. A strategy has been developed on children and families keeping to a healthy weight. There is now one family centre for children in need.


5.6  The officer reported that ‘looked after’ children’s educational performance remains a concern. A virtual head overseeing this area has been made a permanent head. There has been good progress on Southwark’s GCSE results with 56.1% getting 5 GCSEs. There is now an independent chair of the safeguarding board to give challenge.


5.7  The chair invited representatives from the Southwark Youth Council to ask questions. A representative referred to the table circulated with the report detailing progress and asked who is going to be operationally responsible and what are their targets and aims. For example on ‘narrowing the gap’ you mentioned higher GCSE result, but what about better facilities at schools? Sam Fowler, Project Director for Schools for the Future, commented that there is a schools’ investment programme. The Assistant director responded that the CYPP is about setting high level strategic aims. Responsibility for delivering the plan ultimately rests with the Strategic director of children’s services, Romi Bowen, alongside Cllr Catherine McDonald, the cabinet lead for children’s service.  There are specific managerial responsibilities for different sections and objectives; the CYPP sets the whole agenda.


5.8  The cabinet member for children’s services emphasised her personal accountability to the representatives present, as well as commenting that the Children’s Trust has a range of partners , such as the police, and they are also accountable. The Cabinet lead asked representatives from SYC is they are happy with the amount of consultation. The representatives commented that they would like more communication on outcomes, for example they would like more feedback on the results of the views they have put forward.


5.9  The chair invited representatives from Speakerbox to ask questions. A representative asked if, in the light of cuts, you are going to be able to support school leavers in local authority care who go to university. Another member asked, in light of the cuts, is there is still help for young people to get a job and training. Officers and members assured representatives that there is detailed financial assistance available for looked after children who go to university. The cabinet member for children services drew representatives’ attention to the £1million fund that is being developed to ensure young people are supported to continue their education and training. The fund will assist young people to stay in collage and university. The cabinet lead also said that she wanted the fund to help young people to get job experience as she knows this is so important.


5.10  A young peoples representative asked if young people are still going to be able to devolve 20% of the youth budget. The cabinet members said that is still the intention; there are different models and she said she would like the SYC’s help; noting that she is coming to a meeting on the 10 May.


5.11  A representative asked if young people are represented on the Children’s Trust?  The Cabinet lead for children’s services commented that this is an excellent point and she will take this away to consider further.


5.12  Representatives from SYC asked if council had looked at apprenticeship programmes. Officers present detailed a number of initiatives including Southwark corporate apprenticeship scheme; funding received from the Shard development to fund training by Southwark College so local people can access jobs at the Shard and a scheme developed by Southwark Schools for the Future. Officers undertook to get more details on these initiatives to SYC.


5.13  The chair invited members of the committee to ask questions and a member asked about the Family Information Service advice and directory. The Assistant director said this is focused on ensuring that information online is available and easily accessible. The member asked about families not online. The officer commented that universal services such as schools have a role in giving out information to families. The member requested that at a future meeting on the CYPP that members are given more information on how families can access information,  both online and offline.


5.14  It was agreed that the next time the CYPP plan is reviewed representatives from SYC and Speakerbox will be invited to submit a few questions in advance so that officers have an opportunity to gather information ready for the meeting.


ACTION  Children’s Services officers undertook to get back to Southwark Youth Council with details on apprenticeship programmes, on behalf of cabinet lead ;Cllr Catherine McDonald.


Officers undertook to come back to the next quarterly meeting with more details on how families can find out about services both offline and online.