Issue - decisions

Development Control Items

29/07/2011 - 11-15 Melbourne Grove, London SE22 8RG

The chair announced that he would vary the order of items on the agenda. Members considered item 7 and then item 6.1.


Planning application reference number 10-AP-0420




Application to replace extant permission 08-AP-0579 for: Demolition of existing commercial and residential unit and the construction of Class A3 commercial space at ground floor with 3 x 1 bedroom and 1 x 2 bedroom flats and a studio flat over ground, first and second floors within newly constructed three storey building with associated bicycle storage and refuse storage to front of premises.


The planning officer introduced the report and circulated the site plans. The officer also drew Members’ attention to the addendum report which contained late comments with regard to this application.


Councillors asked questions of the planning officer.


There were no objectors present.


The applicant’s agent addressed the meeting.


There were no supporters present at the meeting


Members discussed the application.




That planning permission for application 10-AP-0420 be granted subject to conditions as outlined in the report and addendum.