Issue - decisions

Core strategy final adoption

24/03/2011 - Core Strategy Final Adoption

Comments of the planning committee held on 21 March 2011 in respect of this item were circulated at the meeting.




That council assembly be recommended to:


1.  Consider the binding report of the Planning Inspector on the Core Strategy - final draft February 2011 (appendix B of the report) incorporating the binding recommendations of the Inspector.


2.  Consider the final Core Strategy 2011 (appendix A of the report), sustainability adoption statement (appendix C of the report), consultation report (appendix D of the report) sustainability appraisal (appendix E of the report), equalities impact assessment (appendix F of the report) and appropriate assessment (appendix G of the report).


3.  Consider the comments of the planning committee (appendix H of the report – circulated at the meeting) on the Core Strategy 2011 and the Inspector’s report (appendix B of the report).


4.  Adopt the Core Strategy – final 2011 (appendix A of the report) incorporating the binding recommendations of the Inspector.


NOTE: In accordance with overview and scrutiny procedure rule 22.1(a) (budget and policy framework) these decisions are not subject to call-in.