Issue - decisions

Co-ordinated arrangements for secondary, primary and in-year school admissions 2012/13

24/03/2011 - Southwark coordinated schemes for Secondary, Primary and In Year Admissions 2012

This item had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting.  The chair agreed to accept the item for reasons of urgency as the next meeting of the cabinet was scheduled for 19 April 2011.  Coordinated admission arrangements must be confirmed and submitted to the Secretary of State by 15 April 2011 for implementation in the 2012 admission round.  If this was not done, Southwark's coordinated admissions arrangements in 2011 would remain in place for 2012.




That the secondary, primary, junior and in year coordinated admissions schemes for 2012 admissions attached as appendices 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the report respectively be agreed.