Issue - decisions

Elephant and Castle – Provision of a new leisure facility

25/11/2010 -

The cabinet considered the closed part of the report prior to agreeing the decisions below.




Decisions of the Cabinet


1.  That the outcome of the consultation exercise summarised in paragraphs 23 to 30 and attached at Appendix 1 of the report that had been carried out throughout September and October be noted.


2.  That the proposed provisional budget for the Elephant and Castle Leisure Centre as detailed in the closed report and the further work which will be undertaken to assess project costs prior to the submission of a bid for capital programme funding be noted.


3.  That the project mandate for the redevelopment of the leisure centre site (attached in Appendix 2 of the report) and in particular the following key principles be agreed:


·  That the new leisure facility include the following core provision: a 6 lane 25m swimming pool, a learner pool, a 4 court sports hall, a gym, an exercise studio, a crèche and a cafe.


4.  That officers report back the terms on which the adjoining residential plot will be sold at an appropriate time.


5.  That officers report back, through the second gateway process, at the appropriate time once all design and technical has been completed to recommend the award of the construction contract.


Decisions of the Leader of the Council


6.  That approval of the planning application prior to submission be delegated to the cabinet member for regeneration and corporate strategy.


7.  That the appointment of the Local Education Partnership (LEP) to construct and deliver the Elephant and Castle Leisure Centre, through the first gateway process, subject to existing protocols for LEP engagement and demonstrating value for money be delegated to the cabinet member for finance and resources.