Issue - decisions

Child and Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Support for CLA Care Link

01/11/2010 - Carelink- Southwark Child and Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for Looked After Children Ages 0-16 years



1.  That SLAM, the Primary Care Trust and the local authority bring forward proposals to the committee for meeting the needs of 16-18 year old young people in care. These proposals should also include financial costings and other relevant implications for  extending the 16 plus transition phase in adult and mental health care services.


2.  That the  work with under 5’s be continued and supported as this is  predicted to be invaluable with early identification and prevention. The relevant bodies should provide financial costings/implications to mainstream more comprehensive work in this area.


3.  That the recommendations be reported to Helen Naylor, the Children’s Services Commissioner at Southwark.