Issue - decisions

Budget Process

23/09/2010 - A Fairer Future for All in Southwark - Principles for Budget Setting

The leader introduced the report.




That the following principles be agreed:


1.  At a time of unprecedented cuts proposed by central government, the 2011 Southwark budget should continue to prioritise the commitments made by the cabinet at its first meeting as a new administration in June and its vision to create a fairer future for all by promoting social and economic equality in an economically vibrant borough.


2.  We recognise that some services currently provided by the council may be lost, and some may change.  However, we will do all that we can to protect our front-line services and support our most vulnerable residents.


3.  We will ensure that the services which the council delivers provide value for money, value for council tax payers and contribute towards delivering our vision of creating a fairer future for all in Southwark.


4.  We will explore alternative ways of providing a service prior to proposing any cut or reduction. This will include talking to partner organisations, the voluntary sector, the trade unions, the business community and other local authorities.


5.  We will be transparent with any specific group or groups of users who may be affected by any cut or reduction in service provision as soon as possible and explore with them other ways to provide the service.  We will conduct an equalities impact assessment for our budget proposals.


6.  Before proposing any cut or reduction we will have a clear and comprehensive explanation for why that service should be cut, reduced or no longer provided by the council, and this explanation should be capable of being subject to robust challenge.


7.  Budget proposals should be based on a three year approach and should have regard to innovative ways of providing services and maintaining employment in the borough.