Agenda item

East Street Market

John McHenry to advise on the final plans for the East Street Infrastructure Improvement Programme.


John McHenry, Market Development Manager, outlined the vision for East Street Market, explaining that the plan was to replace the footway with paving from Walworth Road to Portland Street, resurface the road down to Dawes Street, carry out safety works by raising carriageway at Portland Street Junction, and improving junction with East Street and Walworth Road. It was anticipated that the works would commence in January and finish by February 2011. The council had been informed that Thames water intended  to relay some water mains so the work may be delayed to ensure a joined-up approach.


John took questions from the floor relating to: the affordability of rents on the market and members commented on the need to ensure an integrated approach to development between Walworth Road and East Street as highlighted earlier in the meeting.


John explained that there had been a rent review across the borough which had addressed inconsistency in rents charged across the borough and rent increases had been kept to a minimum. As an example, permanent rents at East Street had risen by less than £1.50 a week. The Southwark Association of Street Traders had been consulted on the review and were satisfied with the overall outcome.