Agenda item

Regeneration - Elephant and Castle

Update on the regeneration of Elephant and Castle.


The cabinet member for regeneration and corporate strategy presented an update on the regeneration of Elephant and Castle. Advising the meeting that the new administration hoped to sign a regeneration agreement with Land Lease in July 2010. The cabinet member requested to attend a meeting of the community council in the autumn to provide more information on the regeneration project once the agreement had been signed.


The cabinet member indicated that the agreement would contain a commitment to housing and training and employment opportunities for local residents and that there were no longer plans to build on Nursery Row Park.


The cabinet member and project director for elephant and castle took questions from the floor regarding the briefing.


Residents raised concerns relating to: the level of affordable housing in the re-development, temporary uses of the land before the development work commences, communication with residents, the financial implications of the project and the allocation of trading units to local residents and the impact on the local shopping parade.


The cabinet member and project director advised that: temporary uses of the site would be explored, there was a meeting concerning the demolition of phase 1 [comprising the Wingrave blocks and 43-53 Rodney Road] of Heygate estate scheduled with local residents on 20 July 2010 which would be publicised shortly through a newsletter . Residents were advised that the proposed agreement contained commitments on local labour and training, affordable housing and retail units. The cabinet are to consider a report on leisure facilities at the Elephant & Castle at it’s meeting on the 7th July. .


There was a question relating to whether planning permission was required for demolition of the existing site and whether this could be brought to the community council planning meeting. Officers advised that this would be passed to the relevant officers for a response.


The cabinet member reiterated the intention to report back to the community council in the autumn when the agreement would have been signed and when more information could be provided on: the level of social housing, plans for temporary uses of the site, shopping facilities and employment opportunities for local residents.


The Chair thanked the cabinet member and officer for their presentation and invited them to attend a future meeting of the community council once the agreement with Lend Lease had been finalised.


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