Agenda item

Aylesbury Regeneration - Phase 1

To approve in principle the joint procurement of development and housing association partners with the Homes and Communities Agency using their developer panel and to agree that the approval of the gateway 1 report (procurement strategy) is delegated to the Executive Member for Regeneration.


To approve the phased commencement of the re-housing of Phase 1 residents.


To request officers to continue to explore all possible external funding sources to assist with the delivery of the project.


To request the continuation of strategic dialogue with the Homes and Communities Agency to ensure commitment to the future availability of Social Housing Grant (SHG) funding and associated risks.





1.  That the joint procurement of development and housing association partners with the Homes and Communities Agency using their developer panel be approved in principle and that the approval of the gateway 1 report (procurement strategy) be delegated to the strategic director of regeneration and neighbourhoods.


2.  That the phased commencement of the re-housing of phase 1 residents be approved.


3.  That officers continue to explore all possible external funding sources to assist with the delivery of the project.


4.  That strategic dialogue continue with the Homes and Communities Agency to ensure commitment to the future availability of Social Housing Grant (SHG) funding and associated risks.


Supporting documents: