Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent


The Mayor had agreed to accept the following items as late and urgent for the reasons set out within the reports:


  • Item 2.1: Policy and resources strategy – 2011/12 – Revenue budget (The budget and policy framework)


  • Item 2.1: Policy and resources strategy – 2011/12 – Revenue budget: Cabinet recommendations of 15 February 2011


At this juncture Councillor Catherine Bowman, seconded by Councillor Anood Al-Samerai, moved that under council assembly procedure rule 1.11(m), the relevant rules be suspended in order that four deputation requests could be considered.


The relevant rules are set out as follows:


·  Suspend council assembly procedure rule 2.6(1)) - to allow deputations at the council tax setting meeting

·  Suspend council assembly procedure rule 2.6(7) - deadline for receipt of deputations

·  Suspend council assembly procedure rule 2.6(8) - to consider the deputations in order of receipt

·  Suspend council assembly procedure rule 2.6(11) - to allow four deputations (limit is three)

·  Suspend council assembly procedure rule 1.5(b) - to vary the order of business in order to allow the deputations to be consider before item 2.1.


The procedural motion was put to the vote and declared to be lost.


At this juncture Councillor Nick Dolezal, seconded by Councillor Cleo Soanes, moved that under council assembly procedure rule 1.11(m), the relevant rule be suspended in order that Late Amendment C could be considered.  The relevant rule is set out as follows:


·  Council assembly procedure rule 2.11(3) - notice for amendments to be delivered.


The procedural motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.