Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive


The Mayor made the following announcements:


  • He encouraged everyone to attend the Mayor’s Ball in aid of the Macmillian charity on Saturday 14 May 2011, at the Hilton Tower Bridge.  Tickets cost £70 and the ball will start at 7.00pm and finishes at 1.00am.


  • He reminded everyone that UK census day on 27 March 2011 was less than 4 weeks away.  An accurate census is crucial to the borough as it affects the funding the council gets from the government.  The Mayor encouraged members to work closely with residents and partners to make sure all households in Southwark send in their responses.  At the last census, 1 in 4 households in Southwark did not respond and it is estimated that this caused a funding reduction of up to £60 million over 10 years.


  • That permission had been given to the Liberal Democrat political assistant to film Liberal Democrat councillors when speaking.  This was for internal training purposes only.


  • That the press were present and that permission had been given for a photographer from the Evening Standard to take pictures during the meeting.