Agenda item

Disclosure of Members' interests and dispensations


Cllr Simmons declared a personal interest concerning this item in that a colleague of his lives within close proximity of the site and therefore stood down from the committee and took no part in the debate or decision of this item.


An adjournment took place at 7.12pm for 3 minutes to allow Cllr Eckersley to take advice from the legal officer in respect of his participation in the meeting.


At 7.15pm the meeting reconvened.


At this juncture, Cllr Toby Eckersley decided not to take part in the consideration of item 6.1, land adjoining 114 Woodland Road, SE19 1PA.


Cllr Eckersley explained to the meeting that he had been the executive member for resources and present at the executive meeting when a decision was taken to sell the site. That sale is conditional on the grant of planning permission.  Councillor Eckersley did not want to give rise to a claim of predetermination, in that the same

decision maker was deciding whether to sell the land and then whether that sale would complete by granting planning permission for the same area of land.


Cllr Eckersley was aware that central government had set regulations separating the functions as to how the Council manages its land and deals with development control issues relating to it.  In this instance Cllr Eckersley decided in the

interests of good governance to excuse himself from the meeting and not take part in the debate nor the decision of this item