Agenda item

Development Control Items

Item  6.1- (10-AP-0415) – Cambridge House 131-139 Camberwell Road London SE5 7JZ

Recommendation: Grant planning permission, subject to conditions.


Item 6.2 - (10-AP-0419) – Cambridge House 131-139 Camberwell Road London SE5 7JZ

Recommendation: Grant listed building consent, subject to conditions.



Item  6.1- (10-AP-0415) – Cambridge House 131-139 Camberwell Road London SE5 7JZ


Item 6.2 - (10-AP-0419) – Cambridge House 131-139 Camberwell Road London SE5 7JZ


The planning officer presented the two applications together as they related to the same site, drawing members’ attention to the addendum report which had been circulated.


Members asked questions of the planning officer.


There were no objectors present at the meeting.


The applicant spoke in support of the application.


Members asked questions of the applicant.


No statements were made by local supporters or Members in their capacity as ward members.


Members discussed the applications.




That application 10-AP-0415 is approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and addendum.


That application 10-AP-0419 (listed building consent) is approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and addendum and subject to any direction by the Secretary of State.

Supporting documents: