Agenda item

Forward Plan

To discuss the key themes the community council aim to consider in the year ahead.


The Chair invited suggestions from members of the public attending the meeting on topics and themes for discussion at future meetings of the Walworth community council.


The following topics were suggested:


  • The development of Burgess Park
  • Review of regeneration in Walworth
  • Healthy eating – the relationship between the health statistics in the borough and opportunities for local people to grow their own food
  • Recycling
  • Policing
  • The level of alcohol outlets in Walworth and the relationship to anti-social behaviour
  • Training needs for young people and employment opportunities for skilled workers in the area and the impact of regeneration in the area on employment opportunities
  • Responsiveness of call centres
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Controlled parking zones – low car emissions discounts in existing zones
  • The impact of the Olympics in the local area in terms of: revenue, job opportunities and potential disruption
  • Elephant and Castle re-development – traffic control measures and impact of non-residents parking to use the tube station.


The chair thanked participants for their suggestions which councillors would take consider in their agenda planning for the year ahead.


The chair requested that suggestions relating to controlled parking zones and traffic control measures at Elephant and Castle be taken forward as public questions and written responses provided at the next meeting.