Agenda item

Public Question Time

This is an opportunity for public questions addressed to the Chair.


Residents or persons working in the borough may ask on question on any matter in relation to which the council has powers or duties.


Responses may be supplied in writing following the meeting.


The following public questions were submitted, the chair advised that written responses would be provided at the next meeting.


Burgess Park and Development

1)  Why were we not consulted as resident on the recent Burgess Park development? 

§  We learnt about the meeting by chance.

§  The meeting was organised by the developer and the Council. 

§  The meeting was held recently in the sport centre at Neat Street.


2)  What is the International Concert Centre about?

§  Heard it has a capacity of 100,000 people



1) How does the council feel that the past, current and proposed developments in Walworth, Canada Water, Bermondsey Spa and Aylesbury Estate will have an impact on crime statistics, unemployment, economic growth, rental and house prices in the area?


2)How does the council plan to grow in sustainability; will we be providing more recycling facilities for residents and local businesses?


Elephant and Castle Regeneration

Will the percentage of affordable housing in the Elephant and Castle re-build be over 35%? Will it replace that demolished?


Elephant and Castle Regeneration

Is a new library with a proper reference section still on the agenda as part of the elephant and castle regeneration? We were told the current arrangement at the Newington library is temporary.


Elephant and Castle Regeneration

Could plans for the demolition be considered by the Walworth community council planning meetings?


Aylesbury Estate

Noting massive cuts in public spending on the way and the ongoing weak economy do you agree there is no way the anti-democratic privatisation demolition scheme can continue on the Aylesbury estate? Therefore, will the council drop the scheme and review the way forward with the intention of returning residents rights and decent home improvements and proper environmental upgrade?


Bus Lanes

Is it necessary for the Heygate bus lane to be enforce 12 hours per day 7 days a week (07.00-19.00) for one bus  - the 343 when bus lanes elsewhere e.g. the Old Kent Road are only enforced 07.00 – 10.00 and 16.00-19.00 6 days a week and cover hundreds of buses per hour.


Charity and Community Group Networks

Walworth community council should work closely with charities and community centres. Creating a database of these organisations and sharing information between them. Also creating a network and support systems between organisations around Walworth. Sharing: community centres, office space as this will alleviate running costs of the projects in this financial crisis.


Controlled Parking Zones

Can low emission discounts be applied to older controlled parking zones?


Elephant and Castle – Parking issues

Can the time of parking restrictions be looked at in the area as non-residents who use the Elephant and Castle tube station are taking parking spaces which local residents wish to use?



The chair advised that that was the end of the open section of the meeting. The chair thanked everyone for their attendance and participation in the meeting.