Agenda item

Health of Children in Care




1.  That the update report from the designated doctor for children in care be noted and accepted.


2.  That a future committee meeting be allocated to address the whole theme of “Being Healthy” for looked after children.  This would address all the strategies relating to the physical health of children in care namely, mental health substance use, teenage pregnancy, physical health and positive activities.


3.  That the following points raised by the committee in response to the report and presentation by the designated doctor for children in care be addressed as set out:


·  The commissioning process should factor in the key requirement for the health care needs and plans for children (appropriate link with the Children’s Trust) to be met.

·  The need for an identified nurse for children looked after (young persons) post 18.

·  A report to come back to the corporate parenting committee on the progress of these requests.

Supporting documents: