Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive


The Mayor announced:


  • The film maker Enrica Colusso would be filming the debate on the Elephant and Castle motion as she was making a documentary film about the regeneration of the Elephant and Castle.  Completed release forms should be returned to the film maker or clerk.


  • A list of people who work or live in Southwark who received an honour in the Queen’s Birthday Honour’s List 2010 had been circulated around the chamber.  The meeting extended its congratulations to all those who had received an honour.


  • A Charity Quiz Night will be held on the Friday 16 July 2010 at Tooley Street.  The quiz will start at 7.00pm and all proceeds will go to the Mayor’s chosen charity, Macmillan Cancer Support.


  • Former councillor Roy Kennedy had recently been appointed to the House of Lords.  The meeting congratulated him on his appointment.


  • The recent deaths of Mary Boast, Historian and Freeman of Southwark and Nancy Hammond, secretary to the Mayor of Southwark's Common Good Trust and other worthy causes.  Thereafter the meeting held a minute’s silence.


The cabinet member for finance and resources, Councillor Richard Livingstone, made reference to his written statement concerning the government’s emergency budget.