Agenda item

Southwark Circle - A Brief Update - Scrutiny Review (Health and Adult Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee)

To consider a report from the health and adult care scrutiny sub-committee in relation to a scrutiny review on Southwark Circle.




1.  That it be noted that the members of the health and adult care scrutiny sub-committee welcome the Southwark Circle project and particularly favour aspects such as its level of informality; its comparative absence of bureaucracy and its organic approach for development.


2.  That the issue of expanding the membership of the Southwark Circle steering group to include active Southwark Circle members be referred to the steering group for decision.


3.  That it be noted that more targeted work is being carried out, such as the promotion of the project at community councils, with the aim to involve more people from other parts of the borough.


4.  That a simple method be devised for logging a realistic proxy value or average equivalent commercial charge for each service delivered within the Southwark Circle scheme, with a view to measure what savings are being achieved.


5.  That Southwark Circle be requested to provide further updates either to the overview and scrutiny committee or to the health and adult care scrutiny sub-committee on a six monthly basis, in order to monitor whether project’s performance targets continue to be achieved and the extent to which decisions 2 to 4 above have been implemented.

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