Agenda item

Late item: Licensing act 2003 - The Wishing Well, 77-79 Choumert Road SE15


The chair decided to accept this item of business onto the agenda as urgent because the timescale for minor variations is set out in the legislation at 15 working days, and this meeting was the last available within the timescale. 


The licensing officer highlighted the main points of the report.  Members of the sub-committee questioned the officer. 




That the licensing sub-committee having considered the written representations contained in the report and oral representations of those present decided that the application be refused.


Reasons for the decision


The application for a minor variation is refused under the prevention of nuisance objective based on an objection from environmental protection team on the basis that granting such minor variation could lead to noise nuisance.  Therefore this application should be made under section 34 of the Act. 


Appeal rights


There is no appeal rights under Section 41A (1) of the Licensing Act 2003. The applicant can submit a variation application under section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003.


The meeting closed at 11.45am.