Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 - The Ship York, Rotherhithe Street, London SE16 5LJ


The licensing officer presented his report, there were no questions.  Mr Heaysman, the applicant for the review, addressed the sub-committee. Members had questions for Mr Heaysman.


Mr Charalmbous, the licensee, spoke to the sub-committee. Members had questions. Mr Heaysman had questions for Mr Charalmbous.  Reverend Doyle spoke to the sub-committee in support of the licensee, there were no questions.


At 10.50am the sub-committee went into closed session to consider the review application. At 11.15am the sub-committee came out of closed session and made the following decision.




The licensing sub-committee, having had regard to the application by Mr Heaysman and Ms Sharma for a review of the premises licence granted under the Licensing Act 2003 to Mr and Mrs Charalmbous in respect of the premises known as The Ship York situated at 375 Rotherhithe Street, London, SE16 5LJ, and having had regard also to all other relevant representations, decided to make no changes to the license or its conditions.


Reasons for the Decision.


Having considered the application for a review, the sub-committee considered that all the grounds for the complaint are insufficient to make amendments to existing conditions of the license or to add new conditions. In view of the above, the licence conditions remain the same as previously granted.


Appeal Rights.


This decision is open to appeal by either:


a)  The applicant for the review;

b)  The premises licence holder; or

c)  Any other person who made relevant representations in relation to the application


Such appeal must be commenced by notice of appeal given by the appellant to the justices chief executive for the magistrates court for the area within the period of 21 days beginning with the day on which the appellant was notified by this licensing authority of the decision. This decision does not have effect until either:


a)  The end of the period for appealing against this decision; or

b)  In the event of any notice of appeal being given, until the appeal is disposed of.

Supporting documents: