Agenda item

De-cluttering Review Draft Report


5.1  The sub-committee noted that the timetable for the production of the design guide, requested at the last meeting, has been received. The new guide is likely to be ready for approval in September 2010. The sub-committee agreed to add the following wording to the draft document to reflect this additional information.


“This is timetabled to be completed in June 2010 for approval by the executive/ executive member in September 2010”.


5.2  The sub-committee adjusted recommendation 1 in the draft report in the light of this new information, adding the following wording


“The sub-committee recommends that it be added to the forward plan for approval in September 2010”.


5.3  The second half of the recommendation will now become recommendation 2 in the final report, worded as follows.


  “The design guide should be used for the wider public realm, not only for specific streetscape issues.  In particular, it should be adopted for housing land and reflected in planning policies so that new developments seek to minimise clutter”.


5.4  The next step is for the report to go forward for discussion at the overview and scrutiny committee.


5.5  As there are no further meetings of the overview and scrutiny committee planned before the elections, the sub-committee requested that if at all possible the report should be agreed by circulation. If this is not possible the report will be considered at the first meeting of the new overview and scrutiny committee in June.




That with these changes the report is agreed and go forward to the overview and scrutiny committee for consideration.





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