Agenda item

Children's and Young People's Plan


10.1  Kerry Crichlow, assistant director, strategy & support, introduced the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) for 2010 to 2013. It was proposed that this plan would be the Council's key policy framework document for children and young people. She asked the sub-committee to note that this proposed CYPP would be subject to final partner and public consultation, as set out in paragraphs 28 and 29 of the document circulated, with publication by April 2010. This was an opportunity for the sub-committee to raise any comments at the meeting to feed back as part of the consultation process. She explained that the CYPP 2010-2013 would be subject to new statutory guidance, expected later this year, which might require revisions to these proposals. The CYPP would become the new commissioning plan for the ‘Children’s Trust.


10.2  There was a complex relationship between the Children’s Trust and the Safeguarding Board. The CYPP would need to respond to the annual safeguarding report.


10.3  Over the summer the council had asked people to tell their stories and received over 100 of these and a selection would be published on the web.


10.4  A member noted the significant partnerships with Education and Health, but said she did not see housing in there, and this was very important for families as many lived in very poor housing. The assistant director responded that this was absolutely right; some of these went beyond the influence of Children’s Services. The council had done some good work with extended services and housing departments. She commented that she would not stop there as community safety was also very important, both keeping children safe and safe from the fear of crime.


10.5  A member commented on the importance of the early years and reaching  vulnerable families. She spoke of concerns that many families were not accessing early years provision and gave as an example families in Camberwell. The assistant director said that this was a plan of plans, and there would be other more specific plans that looked in detail at issues such as childcare. The needs analysis showed issues the council needed to focus in on.


10.6  The assistant director stated that the plan would enable the council to think about decommissioning as it was likely there would fewer resources. The council would need to consider what it was duplicating and concentrate on priorities. Having school ready children was important as was having schools ready to receive children. A member commented that it was important that the council had work ready young people at the opposite end of the age range and noted that the plan went up to age 19.


10.7  There was a comment from the sub-committee that the plan was at quite a high level, was it possible to compare with other local authorities to see if they were quite as high level. He enquired if anything was excluded? The assistant director explained that it was possible to trace the high level content back to actual stories. Families said that they wanted to simplify the system. The plan was edited and honed.


10.8  The strategic director of children's services, Romi Bowen, said that it was anticipated that there would be less money and so there was more emphasis on targeted interventions, particularly at Early Years. For example Sure Start was currently used by people with a lot of social capital. Some of that provision would need to be more targeted. Some of the lower level plans would be more activity based. The strategic director explained that the council also needed to energise other sectors; police, housing etc.


10.9  Members voiced concerns about the housing bidding system being complex, particularly for older people who might be less comfortable with the internet. Concerns were also raised about illegal sub letting and this was noted.


10.10The chair proposed a number of measures to support the implementation of the CYPP by this sub-committee. If agreed these would go ahead as recommendations for the new children’s services and education scrutiny sub-committee if it is reconvened after the elections.


10.11The strategic director commented on the number of concerns raised about children’s welfare that related to domestic violence, and this could escalate from arguments to children being in danger in the midst of conflict. She particularly welcomed the sub-committee’s decision to recommend work on this area.




1.  That the sub-committee support the principles in the plan, particularly:


i)  Priority given to simplify the system

ii)  Emphasis on families

iii)  Targeting families most at risk


2.  That the new children’s services and education scrutiny sub-committee:


Ensure the annual interview of the executive member includes their practical achievements against the plan.


Undertake quarterly performance monitoring developed from paragraph 17 of the report.


Provide stronger cross cutting challenge of different council departments and council partner agencies contribution to the plan including:


·  Housing departments contribution to addressing child poverty

·  Multi agency work to combat domestic violence

Supporting documents: