Agenda item

Early Years review


8.1  The draft Early Years review was considered by the sub-committee.


8.2  Members discussed recommendation 7, that highlighted the need for transition funding for children using children’s centres nurseries. The sub-committee decided that this should be made more concrete and the following wording was decided : ‘Give urgent consideration to providing adequate transition funding for children moving from day-care to nursery school in relevant Southwark children’s centres so that affected children who are not ‘3 enough’ still receive adequate funding to sustain a place’.


8.3  Members decided the report should elaborate more on the problems nurseries experience in receiving funding in order to provide sufficient staff support for children with special needs. Recommendation 5 was also made more specific: ‘Backdate support funding for children with special needs to the start of their time in nursery, for children who later receive a more extensive statement’.




That, once the report has been amended in line with the above and agreed by the chair, it be submitted to overview and scrutiny committee for consideration.  The report then be sent to the following:


·  Parent Participation Forum

·  Providers we visited

·  MPs

·  Head teachers’ s executive

·  Children's trust (Young Southwark)

·  Executive members

·  Chairs of Governors – via David Lister.

Supporting documents: