Agenda item

Universal youth activities and information, advice and guidance


6.1  Jane Bailey, assistant director; 11-19 services and youth, introduced the report on the item. She explained that the four area mangers were now in post. Each area recently convened consultation events and voluntary sector representatives, extended schools coordinators, TRA representatives and young people were all invited. The next step was doing an inspection for quality and young people would be involved in the quality assurance process.


6.2  The service was aiming to work with the voluntary service in a more open and transparent way. The council needed to ensure that youth workers had the right skills and were able to refer young people to appropriate services; for example drug services and for specialised training and employment advice.


6.3  The youth councils were up and working. Young people were organising around community council areas and also two young people from every area come together and would be engaged around the executive. The area plans would decide what provision should be offered and when, including on Fridays and Saturdays. The plans would consider the needs of particular groups including girls and exclusion projects. The services would work with extended schools.


6.4  A member inquired about communication? The assistant director responded that this area had been improved through the bi-monthly insert in Southwark Life, the slicker ‘Whatvr’ website and provision would be included in the revamped Southwark Council website. The Mix festival had been very well received by young people and all the youth councils have been involved in its development.


6.5  The assistant director said that the number of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) young people had reduced from 420 to 230. Clarification on this was requested by a member. It was explained that this number was related to the ‘learner cohort’. Concern was raised that other young people, who might be NEET, might be unknown to services. The assistant director said that there was a high degree of population churn so this was possible, however area managers worked across the service and encouraged staff to pick up on this issue and refer young people to appropriate services.

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