Agenda item

Police update (7:10pm)


Sergeant Chris Scott (South Bermondsey Safer Neighbourhoods Team)


Sgt Scott said in South Bermondsey the ongoing main issues were youth anti-social behaviour, drug abuse in the Blue and surrounding estates. There had been some success tackling drug possession. There had been a few engagement days. On one day officers had knocked on 160 doors and spoke to 63 households who now know they have a Safer Neighbourhoods Team.


In Grange and Riverside wards there have been high instances of cycle theft. The SNT have immobilise tags and they encourage residents to use these and register ownership of their bikes.

On a different topic a guy was recently put away for twelve months for stealing mail.



Sgt Rob Evans (Riverside SNT)


Sgt Evans explained that the ward panel priorities included cycle theft, ASB in the Four Squares and other areas, plus drug dealing and illegal gambling.

Residents should keep clear of the illegal gamblers as it is a scam/trick to get your money. We are using plain clothes officers to tackle the problem.

We have also been tackling the problem of squatters/rough sleepers. Increased patrols have led to a reduction in the problem, some displacement exists.

The next ward panel is on Tuesday 13 April at Millpond TRA, Jamaica Road. If interested please come along.

Four Squares AGM is on 27 March at 7pm. All are welcome.



Sgt Chris Iliffe (Grange SNT)


Sgt Iliffe said that the priorities were burglary, robbery and ASB. There were patrols of hot-spot areas both high visibility and plain clothes.

Recent successes include the execution of warrants under the Dangerous Dogs Act. This had led to the seizure of four pit bulls.

There had also been arrests for burglaries from Guys Hospital.

Next ward panel is week beginning 12 April at the Southwark Council office on Spa Road.


Inspector Andy Flanders said there’s a more effective / efficient eight week cycle of ward panels that would lead to an increase of officers deployed in the required areas. We are looking to raise the profile of SNTs with the Police pledge and more enforcement / engagement days.




A resident said that many of the schools do not have have cycle parking facilities and these would help promote health.



Inspector Flanders said he would raise it with school officers.





A resident said many bikes are stolen by opportunists when people are in shops. Is it possible to have more frames for bikes near shops.



Inspector Flanders said this was down to the local authority and we work with them on where to locate such frames as a solution.





A resident asked for more information on Ward Panels and bike racks.



Inspector Flanders said they try to get people from many different backgrounds. Officers present local crime facts and then the Ward Panel decides how to tackle any problems and where to put resources.


Chair added that some CGS money was allocated for bike lockers and local people would have a say on the location of those.

Inspector Flanders said that cyclists should invest in a good lock as cheap ones are easily cut / unlocked.


Barry Mason of Southwark Cyclists recommended two good locks to prevent theft. He said that bike chipping varied across areas.






A resident asked officers to look at the South end of their road which had become something like a race track. Vehicles speed round and there are no crossings.



Inspector Flanders said he would deploy resources to deal with that.