Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Committee Review




  1. That the implications for the scope and activity for the Corporate Parenting Committee arising from revised statutory guidelines, national inspection requirements, and new local priorities for children and young people be noted.


  1. That the options for the development of the Corporate Parenting Committee set out in paragraph 19 of the report be agreed and the following actions:


·  That a section for new members’ role on the Corporate Parenting Committee should be included in the induction handbook.    


·  Member induction events on Corporate Parenting involve Speakerbox.  It was suggested that Speakerbox could sent out a welcome letter or toolkit to new members.


·  Member training in 2010 should communicate the special responsibility of being a corporate parent and reflect its high status for all.


·  Appointing a champion for Children Looked After (CLA), it was suggested that the vice chair undertake this role.


·  At an appropriate thematic meeting of Young Southwark the vice chair or champion attend to represent the committee.


·  The agenda of the committee to mirror the themes to be considered by Young Southwark so the views of members can be reported by the champion.

Supporting documents: