Agenda item

Soap Box session /public question & answer time


Soap Box questions raised


Roy Fielding:  Is there any further information about the extension of the 42 bus route?



Cllr Eckersley: There are no further developments on this which has been disappointing particularly with the recent change in personnel at TfL.



Resident: Introducing a CPZ scheme may not be a preventative measure of controlling traffic in Holmdene and neighbouring roads particularly for those who work late at night – controlled parking may not be solution?



Resident (Holmdene Avenue): Is this proposal revenue neutral in that no money is to be made from parking – are you able to reassure residents that this would not be the case? 


Response to Q2 and Q3: Officers will analyse traffic road by road including Holmdene.  The results of this will be presented to DCC at a later date.