Agenda item

Election of Mayor

To elect a new Mayor for the municipal year 2010-11.



Note:  Following the conclusion of this item there will be a five minute adjournment.


The outgoing Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and stated that a representative from each political group wished to make a statement.


Thereafter, Councillors Peter John, Denise Capstick and Lewis Robinson paid tribute to the outgoing Mayor.


The outgoing Mayor asked for nominations for Mayor for the ensuing municipal year 2010-11.


Councillor Peter John, seconded by Councillor Althea Smith, moved that Councillor Tayo Situ be elected Mayor of the London Borough of Southwark for the municipal year 2010-11.


The nomination was put to the vote and it was:




That Councillor Tayo Situ be elected Mayor for the 2010-11 municipal year.


Councillor Tayo Situ accepted the office of Mayor.


At 7.20pm the meeting adjourned to allow the outgoing Mayor and Mayor elect to exchange robes.  The meeting reconvened at 7.25pm.


The outgoing Mayor, Councillor Jeff Hook, invested the Mayor elect with the badge of office.  The new Mayor signed the declaration of acceptance of office and took the chair.  The new Mayor stated that his consort would be his wife, Mrs Abike Situ.   


The Mayor appointed Councillor Lorraine Lauder as Deputy Mayor and announced that her consort would be her son, John Lauder.  The Deputy Mayor was invested with the badge of office.


The outgoing Mayor, Councillor Jeff Hook, gave his outgoing speech.  Thereafter, the outgoing Mayor and his consort were presented with a replica of the Mayoral badge of the London Borough of Southwark.


As part of the new Mayor’s acceptance speech he stated that his chosen charity would be MacMillan Cancer Research UK and that his spiritual adviser would be Pastor Amos Ibrahim. 


At 7.45pm the meeting adjourned for a short refreshment break.  At 8.10pm the meeting reconvened.