Agenda item

Constitutional Review


Report:  See main agenda pages 20-60


In accordance with Article 1.5(a), any proposed changes to the constitution required prior consideration by the constitutional steering panel. The panel had met on 18 May 2010 and considered Amendments C1 – C4 set out on supplemental agenda 3.


The Mayor stated that in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.10(2), the recommendations set out in the report were deemed to been moved and were subject to amendment only. He explained that several amendments had been received on various proposals therefore, these would be voted upon separately. 


Councillor Nick Dolezal, seconded by Councillor Peter John, moved Amendment C1 on the Democratic Commission and Deputy Cabinet Member.


Following debate (Councillors Anood Al-Samerai, Lewis Robinson, Toby Eckersley, John Friary, Paul Noblet, Ian Wingfield and Mark Glover), Amendment C1 was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Councillor Nick Dolezal, seconded by Councillor Peter John, moved Amendment C2 on the Leader and Cabinet.  Amendment C2 was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Councillor Nick Dolezal, seconded by Councillor Peter John, moved Amendment C3 on Rotherhithe Community Council voting rights. 


Following debate (Councillors Jeff Hook, Richard Livingstone, David Hubber, Lisa Rajan, Paul Noblet and John Friary), a procedure motion that the question be put was moved by Councillor Mark Gettleson and seconded by Councillor Tim McNally.  The procedure motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.  Amendment C3 was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor announced that Amendment C4 had been withdrawn.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




Overview and scrutiny – Article 5 and procedure rules


1.  That the changes to Article 5 on overview and scrutiny and the overview and scrutiny procedure rules as described in paragraph 15 and set out in Appendix 1 of the report be agreed.


Part 3G: Licensing committee and sub-committees – minor variations process


2.  That the constitution be amended to include provision for the determination of applications for minor variations of premises licences and club premises certificates, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report (see also paragraphs 16-26 of the report).


Contract standing orders


3.  That the changes to contract standing orders as described in paragraphs 27-35 and set out in full in Appendix 4 of the report be agreed.


Treasury management – audit and governance committee / financial standing orders


4.  That the changes to part 3L of the constitution to include scrutiny of the treasury management strategy and policies in the audit and governance committee’s role and functions, as described in paragraph 39 and set out in Appendix 5 of the report, be agreed.


5.  That the changes to financial standing orders to include monitoring and reporting of treasury management activity as set out in paragraphs 40-42 of the report be agreed.


Budget and policy framework


6.  That council assembly notes that a further report on the recommendations of scrutiny sub-committee C about the budget and policy framework will be submitted to the next council assembly (see paragraphs 44-46 of the report).


Democracy commission and deputy cabinet members


7.  That the cabinet be tasked with considering the following and bringing recommendations back to council assembly at a later date:


Democracy commission


1)  That a Democracy Commission be established to consider the avenues of democratic engagement with the council for local residents.


2)  That the Democracy Commission be specifically tasked with fully reviewing how council assembly can be changed to increase democratic engagement with local people.


Deputy cabinet members


3)  That a new role of deputy cabinet member be established to work with cabinet members on specific tasks. That the role be given no special responsibility allowance or delegated powers and that deputy cabinet members not be permitted to scrutinise any of their own deputy cabinet member duties.


The Leader and cabinet


8.  That name of the executive be changed to cabinet and that all references to the executive in the constitution be appropriately amended.


Community Councils – Rotherhithe Community Council voting rights


9.  That the note on voting rights of Livesey ward members in Article 8.1 of the constitution be amended as follows:


After ‘they shall serve as’ delete all bullet points and insert:


·  Voting members on Peckham Community Council

·  Voting members on Rotherhithe Community Council.


Consequential changes


10.  That officers be authorised to undertake any consequential and cross referencing changes arising from changes to the constitution (see paragraph 47 of the report).

Supporting documents: