Agenda item

Nominations to London Councils Committee and Forums 2010-11


Report:  See main agenda pages 11-19 and the blue paper circulated at the meeting


The Mayor stated that in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.10(2), this being an officer report, the recommendations set out in the report were deemed to have been moved and were subject to amendment only.


The nominations were circulated on blue paper.  The Mayor stated that none of the nomination were contested, therefore the nominations outlined on the blue paper were put to the vote and declared to be carried.




That the nominations to London Councils committees and forums be agreed as follows:


London Councils Leaders’ Committee (S101 Joint Committee)


Representative - Councillor Peter John


Deputies - Councillors Fiona Colley and Ian Wingfield


London Councils Transport and Environment Committee (S101 Associated Joint Committee)


Representative - Councillor Barrie Hargrove


Deputies - Councillors Fiona Colley, John Friary, Abdul Mohamed and Richard Livingstone


London Councils Grants Committee (Associated Joint Committee)


Representative - Councillor Abdul Mohamed


Deputies - Councillors Dora Dixon-Fyle, Richard Livingstone, Catherine McDonald and Veronica Ward


London Councils Children and Young People Forum


Representative - Councillor Catherine McDonald


Deputy - Councillor Veronica Ward


London Councils Crime and Public Protection Forum


Representative - Councillor John Friary


Deputy - Councillor Barrie Hargrove


London Councils Culture, Tourism and 2012 Forum


Representative - Councillor Veronica Ward


Deputy - Councillor Richard Livingstone


London Councils Economic Development Forum


Representative - Councillor Fiona Colley


Deputy - Councillor Richard Livingstone


London Councils Health and Adult Services Forum


Representative - Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle


Deputy - Councillor Veronica Ward


London Councils Housing Forum


Representative - Councillor Ian Wingfield


Deputy - Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle


Greater London Employment Forum


Representative - Councillor Richard Livingstone


Deputy - Councillor Fiona Colley


London Councils Limited


Representative - Councillor Peter John


Supporting documents: