Agenda item

Appointment of Leader and Executive, Establishment of Overview and Scrutiny Committee and other Constitutional Issues 2010-11


Report:  See main agenda pages 1-10


The Mayor stated that in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.10(2), this being an officer report, the recommendations set out in the report were deemed to have been moved and were subject to amendment only. He announced that he intended to consider each recommendation where a decision was needed separately.


The Mayor stated that he had received one nomination for recommendation 3 on the election of leader, Councillor Peter John.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nomination was put to the vote and it was agreed Councillor Peter John be appointed leader of the council.


Councillor Peter John as the newly appointed leader of the council reported on the appointment of cabinet portfolio members and portfolios.  The Mayor announced that the constitution would be updated accordingly by the monitoring officer.


At this juncture Councillor Anood Al-Samerai, leader of the majority opposition group, paid tribute to the previous leader of the council, Councillor Nick Stanton.


The Mayor announced he had received one amendment to recommendation 8 – size and composition of the overview and scrutiny committee. Councillor Nick Dolezal, seconded by Councillor Peter John, moved Amendment A1.  Amendment A1 was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor stated that one nomination had been received for the positions of chair and vice chair of the overview and scrutiny committee, Councillors Lisa Rajan and Andy Simmons respectively.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nominations were put to the vote and council assembly appointed Councillor Lisa Rajan as chair of overview and scrutiny committee and Councillor Andy Simmons as vice chair of the overview and scrutiny committee.


The Mayor moved Recommendation 10 – establishment of Community Councils.  The recommendation was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor moved recommendation 11, appointment of chairs and vice chairs of community councils.  The nominations set out on the yellow paper circulated at the meeting were put to the vote and declared to be carried.  The Mayor stated that vacant positions would be dealt with at the first meeting of the relevant community council.


The Mayor moved recommendation 12 – establishment of voluntary bodies appointment panel.  The recommendation was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor announced he had received one amendment to Recommendation 13 – Council assembly dates. Councillor Nick Dolezal moved Amendment A2, which was formally seconded by Councillor Peter John.  Following debate on Amendment A2 (Councillor Paul Noblet, Lewis Robinson, John Friary and Mark Glover), Amendment A2 was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Recommendation 14 – allocation of representative and votes on the Local Government Association General Assembly, was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.





That the appointment of political leaders, deputies and whips be noted.




That Councillor Peter John be appointed leader of the council for a term of four years.




That the following appointment of members of the cabinet and the determination and allocation of their functions be noted:


The Cabinet


  • Councillor Peter John – Leader of the Council


  • Councillor Fiona Colley - Regeneration and Corporate Strategy


  • Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle - Health and Adult Social Care


  • Councillor John Friary - Community Safety


  • Councillor Barrie Hargrove - Environment, Transport and Recycling


  • Councillor Richard Livingstone - Finance and Resources


  • Councillor Catherine McDonald - Children's Services


  • Councillor Abdul Mohamed – Equalities and Community Engagement


  • Councillor Veronica Ward - Culture, Leisure, Sport and the Olympics


  • Councillor Ian Wingfield - Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Housing Management.




That as a consequence of the above recommendation the monitoring officer will update Part 3 of the constitution in accordance with the leader’s report on the delegation of executive functions.




That the overview and scrutiny committee be established with a total of 11 seats with the following allocation of seats:


  • Labour 6
  • Liberal Democrat 4
  • Conservative 1




That Councillor Lisa Rajan be appointed chair of the overview and scrutiny committee for the municipal year.




That Councillor Andy Simmons be appointed vice chair of overview and scrutiny committee for the municipal year.




That community councils be established as follows:


  • Borough and Bankside
  • Bermondsey
  • Rotherhithe
  • Walworth
  • Peckham
  • Camberwell
  • Nunhead and Peckham Rye
  • Dulwich




That the appointment of the chairs and vice-chairs of community councils be agreed as set out below:



Councillor Paul Kyriacou – Chair


Borough and Bankside

Councillor David Noakes – Chair



Councillor Norma Gibbes – Chair

Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle – Vice chair



Councillor James Barber – Chair

Councillor Helen Hayes – Vice chair


Nunhead and Peckham

Councillor Victoria Mills – Chair

Councillor Keadean Rhoden – Vice chair



Councillor Cleo Soanes – Chair

Councillor Michael Situ – Vice chair



Councillor Jeff Hook – Chair



Councillor Martin Seaton – Chair

Councillor Neil Coyle – Vice chair


Note:  The following outstanding appointments will be referred to the first meeting of the respective community council in the 2010-11 municipal year:


Vice chairs of Bermondsey, Borough & Bankside and Rotherhithe community councils.




That the voluntary bodies panel be established with a composition of 2 Liberal Democrat and 3 Labour members.  The panel will be responsible for recommending the appointment of charity trustees to specific Southwark charities and recommending appointments to the position of school governor on local education authority secondary and special school governing bodies.




That the following dates for meetings of council assembly be agreed and fixed in the council calendar for the municipal year 2010-11:


  • 14 July 2010
  • 20 October 2010
  • 1 December 2010
  • 26 January 2011
  • 22 February 2011 (Budget and council tax setting)
  • 6 April 2011
  • 18 May 2011 (Annual).




That the allocation of representatives and votes to the Local Government Association General Assembly be agreed as follows:



  • Councillor Peter John   (3 Votes)


  • Councillor Anood Al-Samerai   (2 Votes)




That it be noted that the cabinet and other committees will make appointments to all other outside committees and bodies for the municipal year.


Supporting documents: